We publish bi-monthly Updates giving news and information about one of the countries and projects where Paz y Esperanza is working.  The alternate month we send a prayer e-mail, usually following up topics from the previous month’s Update.  To receive these just use the ‘Contact Us’ tab or send an e-mail to <updates@pazyesperanza.org>

Here are some recent issues:-

Update for May 2023 – Standing Alongside the Vulnerable in Ecuador

Update for July 2023 – Bringing Reconciliation and Restoration to Colombia

Update for September 2023 – Creating a path to justice in Bolivia

Update for November 2023 – Advent Reflection 2023

Update for January 2024 – Emergency in Ecuador

Update for March 2024 – Partnering with vulnerable people in Latin America in 2023/24

Update for July 2024 – Human Rights Crisis in Peru